Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Well, the GTTR have not updated my application progress so that I can accept my PGCE place, which is silly of them. I know that I have a place, and have returned my form to the college.

Strangely, it appears that I know stuff!!! I just had a Theology seminar, and said things that may even have been vaguely intelligent!

Also, my lessons were OK on Friday - the second one was better, but both were fun. This week I have a day off, as it's half term, but next week, I'm teaching Year Eights about symbol and story in Hinduism. All I have to do is find my symbols and stories...

So, since I last blogged, some good things have happened, and some, well, haven't been good!

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

I am very proud... I have completed one third of my dissertation - & it doesn't have to be in tomorrow. Usually, I am very good at leaving things until the last possible minute, which generally means an all-nighter the night before...

I also have a PGCE place at St Mary's in Strawberry Hill for next year! V. Exciting! I had an interview last week & they liked me!!!

On Friday, I'm teaching Year 8s on "Hindu daily life" - I've already done activities like fill in the gaps, put the sentences in the right order, match the words and the definitions, and cutting and sticking all in about the past 3 weeks... Any ideas for a new & innovative activity?!

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Woo! I have internet in a house...Not my house though - my stepdad's. I'm staying here tonight, as I am going to my PGCE interview tomorrow.

I was quite proud today - I got all the way from Exeter to Essex in 3 & 1/2 hours - not bad!!

I'm going to be on a train at just before 7:30 tomorrow morning... Nearly time for bed, methinks....