Monday, June 26, 2006

Well, I still don't have a job for September. Starting to get a bit concerned now, but if I don't have one, I might just do an MA and look for a job for next September. I think I'm getting better at the interview thing, and I know I'm a good teacher - I was judged as outstanding in every aspect of my teaching practice. I guess the right school just hasn't come up yet, but it's still really frustrating and demeaning going for all these interviews, and still not having a job. To be fair, most of the schools I didn't really like any way, so it's probably better that I didn't get a job in them...

Yesterday, I did the Race for Life in Luton. I'm quite proud of myself. I did no training, and I don't do running. I haven't even tried to run any considerable distance since I was about 14, I think. But I ran (and walked - I didn't run all the way!) 5km in 35 minutes. I was impressed. It was very hot, and sometimes I was held up by the fact that in places, there wasn't really enough room for all the people to get through.

On Wednesday, I'm moving back down to Devon to be closer to my fiance; and then in September, either we'll be moving somewhere else if I have a job, or we'll be staying put for another year. We'll have to see what happens.