Friday, December 15, 2006

End of term!!! Almost can't believe I've got through a whole term...

Now, there's 2 weeks off... But things've been tough at home, and prayers'd be much appreciated at the moment... Not something I really want to talk about at the minute, but it's put me in a real bad mood all day today - & on the last day of term! But, I was well looked after at school, which was nice.

Have just been listening to Chasing Cars - now it can go on my ipod! & it does have beautiful lyrics...

Hopefully going up to Stevenage to see my little brother on Saturday - he'll be 10 next week! & then on Sunday, we should be going down to Exeter until the 27th, & then up to Warwickshire for the rest of the break. Hopefully everything'll work out OK...

Monday, December 11, 2006

Chasing Cars does have beautiful lyrics - I am glad there's other people out there who appreciate the same stuff as I do!!!

Last week of term - 3 & a half days left to go, and I am looking forward to it, but in a way will probably miss it for two whole weeks. It is quite a long time, but I don't think I'll change much in that time!

I have also been given my lesson material for the remainder of term, at least for KS3 - it comes in DVD form, and is otherwise known as 'the Grinch', and though I might be sick to the eye teeth of it by the end of the week, I'll watch it over & over again because I've been told to by my head of department, and who am I to disagree?!

Didn't say when I blogged on Friday, but I did my first assembly for Year 9. I got a clap for it & everything! Talked to them about Mary (Jesus' mum) and Muhammad (pbuh), and how they were both brave enough to change the world. I said that I wasn't asking them to change the world, but was asking them to spend the holiday thinking about any part of themselves that may need changing in the new school term. Afterwards, I had quite a few kids come up to me and tell me that it was a 'sick' assembly, which I am assured does mean 'good'(!); I was quite pleased... Only 2 of us have got a clap for our assemblies this term!

Not much else to say, really, but what / where is Galway Bay? (It's in Fairytale of New York - another good song - by the Pogues and Kirsty MacColl...)

Saturday, December 09, 2006

One more week of term left!

This week has been odd...

On Wednesday, it was the old people's party at school. Colin, Kemme & me entertained them, and then I got ignored while all of the ladies flirted with Colin & Kemme...

I got so scared - had forgotten how nervous I get. I played clarinet for them, and I was shaking!

No more panic attacks, but I did come close to it on Thursday. My Year 11s were a pain. Really bad lesson! But they're in exams all next week, so the most contact I have to have with them is invigilating, which is good...

Had a song going round in my head all week, which is odd for me - I listen to my ipod on the way to school, and on the train on the way home, so usually I have at least a song a day in my head... But this week, one song's just got stuck there. It's Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol (it's not even on my ipod! & Snow Patrol aren't one of my favourite bands in the world either); to 'just forget the world' sounds a really good idea...

Monday, December 04, 2006

9 days of school til the end of term! & counting...

Old people's party this week - I'm playing clarinet for them... Haven't played on my own, or even outside of church for ages. Have been practising, and so I'm not going bright red every time I play now - which is good.

Really tired. Not sleeping as well as usual, so I'm not getting any less tired. It's not good.

Walked to Henley on Saturday (about 10 miles). Got about half way there, and came to a flood! We walk along the river bank, and it was flooded. So, we walked through it. Got very wet!! We did get to Henley eventually, and it was good. Met some really odd people! Got a train home - it's easier than walking home in the dark!!!

Had my first panic attack in a long time at the weekend - proper hyperventilation and everything. It went on for ages, and because I haven't had one for so long, I don't keep beta blockers or anything like that any more, so I just had to deal with it. Was knackered afterwards - that really wasn't good...