Friday, January 26, 2007

Well, this week for the first time ever, snow did not have any real effect on the rail network, and so on Wednesday, I missed my train to school by 2 minutes... I didn't know it'd been snowing til I left the house at 6:50, and the snow somewhat impaired my usually brisk walk to the station!

For the past two days, we have once again found ourselves orphaned in the RE department, as our head of department has been ill. And, this afternoon, due to a cover teacher who couldn't quite manage the Year 10 class, I looked after two classes at once. I was amazed, and rather happy about the fact that my own class sat quietly and got on with their work whilst I prevented mayhem from breaking out next door...

Tomorrow, we're going to London, and on Sunday, will be marching on Whitehall, as tomorrow is the anniversary of the death of Charles I. Sadly, I will be unable to carry a musket, as I hurt my hand last week stopping a fight between two Year 8s. I'm fairly gutted, but such is life.

We will be marching down Whitehall properly dressed as English Civil War soldiers, which is historical, as opposed to being properly dressed in Star Trek uniform, which is simply hysterical - apparently my use of the play on words was quite good - for a girl, any way! And no, I have never dressed in a Star Trek uniform!!!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Another new week; more annoying children. One of my Yr 11s thought it was funny to throw drink all over my classroom today, so he's coming to pick chewing gum off my tables after school tomorrow.

Other than that, not much exciting is going on at the minute. Been writing reports, and hurting my eyes (by writing reports)... Very tired, & feeling a bit grotty because of it. Oh well!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

It's been ages since I blogged, but I have been busy. Done 2 weeks back at school now, and this term has started off better than the last one finished, and the kids seem to have accepted / become resigned to the fact that they haven't managed to drive me away!!!

Been observed twice already, but both of my lessons were good, so only have to be observed once more!

Year 9've been a pain, but we've been year-head-less, cos he hurt his back putting on his socks!! So, I think that at least partly explains why the kids've been bouncing off the walls - us tutors just don't have quite the same effect when we tell them off. Also, I don't have space in my classroom to have 'cupboard buddies'. I think we'll all be glad when he's back at school!

Any way, off to see my grandparents now. It's not too far to go and see them from here; we're staying over night, and it's definitely well worth it for the Sunday roast we'll get tomorrow!