Friday, April 30, 2004

Wednesday CathSoc was cool...LOTS of party food!! YUM!!!

The Blue Room looked cool...We made it all pretty with balloons!

After the part, Zosh, Rob, James & myself decided that going to Belmont Park was a good idea. It's a long walk, but it was fun. We played on the swings, & James & I played on the wannabe seesaw...It was GREAT!!! It was like a mix between a pogo stick & a seesaw & completely unpainful. You didn't fall off, like you do if you use a pogo stick, & you didn't get painful bumps, like you do if you're the lighter person on a seesaw. James did nearly manage to throw me off though. He bounced really hard, & my feet went off the bar, but they went back on again, so it was OK.

Tessa and Zosh both saw my house on Wednesday! Zosh even stayed here! Both of them liked the leather sofas - they are great sofas!! Zosh couldn't appreciate the greenness of my house until Thursday though - it was 2:30am when we got back from the park, so it was too dark to see the outside of my house. It was OK though, because it wasn't dark on Thursday morning, & so she could see that the outside of my house (like a good chunk of the inside) is green! My house is also on the end of a row of white houses, so the effect of the green is even greater! We also have a green lamppost outside our house. Karen doesn't like green, but I think she'd like my house. My house is beautiful.

It turns out that the lecture that I thought I'd missed on Wednesday was actually cancelled, which I guess is good. It's also good that I was shopping with Tessa when I thought I should have been in a lecture, because otherwise, I'd have gone to my lecture, & got really angry that I'd walked all the way to campus just to find that my lecture was cancelled.

Yesterday, I bought orange juice & milk...mmmm milk...I like milk! I also bought some folders for my revision notes, so that I can organise them. Then, I came home & planned music for Mass on Sunday. I like planning music. It's cool...Though I can't read the index of the hymn books, so if I think of a hymn off the top of my head, I have to go through the whole hymn book to find it!!! I even did a bit of work yesterday - I read some of a book introducing the writings of St Paul, but I only read the bits on the Spirit and Eschatology, because that's what my essay's on, so nothing else was relevant really.

Today, I have already been to campus. I had a meeting with someone at the disability centre at 10am, & then I had a lecture at 12. Inbetween the two, I went to the Balcony Bar, & had a Flake, & hot chocolate with marshmallows...Mmm...My lecture today was a bit boring, but never mind. I'm sure it will prove useful in the exam. The silly lecturer gave us a handout with one page that can only be in about font size 6. I need font size 16 to be able to read it, so that's really not helpful.

I'm meeting my library helper next week. It should be good...It will mean that I have someone to find all of my books, & do my photocopying for me!! Hehehe.

Tonight, we are practising the hymns for Mass on Sunday. I'm hoping it will be fun. I've even bought new clarinet & saxaphone reeds!!! For me, this is progress...I've been FORGETTING to buy new reeds for months.

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