Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Hmm... I think it's about time I blogged, since I haven't since before my last exam...

The exams are over!! Yay!!! I feel that I can write that today, since by 5:15, everyone will be finished, and there will be a nice glass of white wine waiting in the Ram for Zosh.

Since the end of my exams, I've been pretty much permanently hyperactive...But I think that's OK - I'm just so happy that they're done! I have gone back to trying to function normally - have even washed some clothes! I also have to tidy my room before Friday, as my best friend from home is coming down to visit!!! Yay - I'm so excited - Paul's great...He's even bringing his flute to play in Mass on Sunday!!

On Friday, after my exam, I spent almost 10 hours in the Ram. It was great. Today, I'm also going to the Ram...Then, we're going to a CathSoc meeting about the retreat that we're not going on - drunk!! Then, it's house party at James' house...Drinkage, drinkage, drinkage!

Tomorrow, we're going to the zoo - I'm so excited. 9:25 train sounds the best plan. I don't get hangovers & I'm great in the morning. No one shall stop ME getting the 9:25 train!! HAHAHAHA

Some point this week, Zosh & I are going shopping...& having a liquid lunch! Yay - more drinkage.

Well, weren't England silly on Sunday? Giving away 2 goals in the 90th minute?!! Ha! I'm glad I didn't watch it. Everyone went to the Chaplaincy to watch the 2nd half, but Rob & I went to James' house. Rob sat downstairs with Dan and watched the football, & I sat upstairs & played Tetris on Rob's computer. After that, Mark having given us the taste for madventure, Rob & I went madventuring. We walked up past Duryard, & then walked the same way as another madventure, but went up Bellevue Road...We walked & walked up the dark path of doom, & eventually came to the top of the hill...Then, there was a Private Road, so we turned around & walked all the way back down the hill...Then, we just walked to my house.

Yesterday, we went madventuring to Lafrowda ponds. It was nice, but I have lots of bites & I'm not as sensible as Ella - I don't use midgy repellent!

Today, I haven't really done much, apart from make my mother into an alien life form & throw her into orbit!!! I'll let you dwell on that one...

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