Friday, January 14, 2005

Well, it has been a while since I've blogged...

It's the end of week 1/week 11 already... I have only been to one lecture this week, as apparently I have/have had something called Acute Stress Reaction, which has left me feeling pretty pants, to be fair.

I haven't been to work since Monday either, as I just have not been well enough. Am back at work tomorrow night though.

I did go to school today, & taught the 1st lesson that I'd actually planned myself. All considered, it went pretty well. I'm not too great at classroom control though. I can be heard quite easily at the back of the room if they're all quiet, but when they're all making noise, I do have trouble making myself heard. Need to be louder! Yes, you did read that right - I need to be LOUDER!

Not much else going on really...Am very tired due to this Acute Stress Reaction thing, but am getting better...Have actually made it through a whole day today, which is good considering the past week!

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