Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Well, all is pretty quiet in Exeter. Most people have gone home, leaving just a few of the hardcore. It's very weird without Zosh & James. It will also be very weird not having Mass & CathSoc tonight.

This week, I have been cleaning. It's not too bad, but it is tiring. I have cleaned lots. Now, though, I'm not being sent off to help other cleaners, I'm being given other people to help me. It's cool. I have also been visiting a friend in hospital. She's as OK as you really can be when you need to be in hospital.

Other than that, I am still waiting for my pay cheque to clear, as I have no money until that happens - & the content of my cupboard is nothing worth writing about.

Other than work, I have been doing dissertation research. It's quite exciting really. I get to read cool books & speak to cool people.

Well, there's really not much more for me to say. What with no Mark at the moment either, I haven't been having many adventures...

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