Friday, July 09, 2004

Well, this is all a bit silly. I've been blogging, but it appears that my new blog entries aren't being published - at least I can't see them if they are?!

Well, it's a bit quiet in Exeter, but hey! Exeter's better than home. I saw a physiotherapist yesterday about my knee. As we really already knew, I do not have a pulled hamstring - I do have a torn ligament & possibly some cartilage damage, but my knee's too painful & inflamed for the physio to work out exactly what is wrong, so I have crutches to try to help things a bit. Hopefully I won't be on them for too long, as I have bruises on one hand and blisters on the other. I also have really bruised arms. Ah well, at least they're stopping my knee from being quite so painful!

Other than knees, work & dissertation, I haven't really been doing much. Going out for a drink for the 1st time since the end of term tonight!

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