Saturday, February 28, 2004

Well, I haven't blogged for ages. Ah well, I will be a more diligent blogger in the future.

My blog comes up on a Google search!!!! I was sooooooo excited...Maybe it will come higher up is I mention my eye conditions again...I have persistent diplopia, left amblyopia, & associated microtropia...I know that diplopia is double vision, and amblyopia is my useless eye...I thought microtropia was short sightedness, but it's not; it refers to a squint that is under 5 degrees, short sightedness is myopia. I have that too...My eyes aren't good....But hey!

Did the Enneagram today...It was fun, accurate to a scary extent!!! I am a type One, & a perfectionist! James will probably find a cool link or something, & put it on his blog, so you can find more out about the Enneagram if you want, so go to James' blog!!!

Have worked out why I can't see the pretty colours on my blog; tis because of the visual settings on my computer! It looks plain & boring to me, but to everyone else, it's all pretty!

I got a letter from my LEA - they said that they think I'm entitled to more money, cos of my eyes...I have my Needs Assessment on 8th of March, to establish what it is I need....

Hmmm, think that's enough waffling from me...don't have anything exciting to say...

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