Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Well, today, I am very tired. Have been working very hard. I went food shopping and book shopping. Books r so expensive - they're all books for my course that I've been told to buy. Already I'm at well over £100, & I spent about £200 last semester!!! Just think of all the alcohol I could have bought with that!!!
I'm getting a large print Bible!!!! Yay!!! OK, that might not sound all that exciting to you, but it's exciting to me...It means that it's not going to take me 15 minutes to read passages of about 10 verses, like it did in my exam!!! SPCK had to order it specially for me, cos I want an NRSV version, not some silly American thing that claims to be English. I was a bit suspicious of this thing that claimed to be a New English Version of the Bible in the shop, so decided to check it out...Like the cunning person I am, I turned to Matthew 6:29, which talks about Solomon in his robes...& right there, in the middle of the verse, there it was!!! They put 'splendor'!!!!! ARGH!!! That's NOT ENGLISH - English is 'splendour'...I think that I should do them under the Trade Descriptions Act. It should be called the New American English Bible. They're just jealous, cos they didn't invent the language! So, I ordered a nice Oxford University Press NRSV version instead. It is going to cost me £40 though!!! That's a lot for a Bible, but never mind. At least it'll be bigger than everyone else's!!!LOL

Also, got my Greek Religion essay back today. I thought I had probably done OK. I asked my lecturer a while ago if it was good enough to pass; he said yes, but he couldn't remember what I got, so I assumed that I'd just done OK...But I got 76%!!!!!!! Now, that's good in any circumstances, but Classics NEVER give more than 80%!!! I am sooo proud of myself. I did work hard, but it really did pay off on that one!

Ah well, I'm going to go & put on my stunning EMERALD (not green!) CathSoc t-shirt, & then toddle off to the chaplaincy.

I'm singing the Psalm tonight! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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