Thursday, December 04, 2003

Have just come back from a Theology ceilidh (is that how it's spelt? I don't know!) - it was SO much fun. I haven't done anything so energetic in AGES! Danced with lots of random people, & lots of non-random people too, & it's great, cos all Theology students are lovely, no one got pissed, & it was just, well, NICE! Theology do so much stuff that's better than other departments! Some of the lecturers were there too; generally, it seems that being good at dancing is a Theology lecturer thing - especially where Rachel & Tim are concerned! We did one really silly dance, where we had to act like ostriches, which was, frankly, just WEIRD!

I ended up not doing campus tours this afternoon; I did take all of the open day people all the way up to the top of Queen's for their interviews, though - I went up the stairs SO many times!!! It was better than spending my afternoon in the library, though!!!

I had a tutorial about my 57% Theology essay, & despite all the negative comments he put on my essay, my lecturer was really nice about it, & says that considering different stuff, I didn't do too badly, but he knows that I can do better than that, & thinks that I wouldn't be giving full credit to my abilities if I only got 57% on the assessed essay - which I'm thinking is quite positive, since it means he obviously thinks I can do well!!!

I've written loads today! I'm sure that means that James can no longer complain that I don't write much! I guess, though, that he'll have something to say as I'm going away for the WHOLE weekend, & won't be able to blog til at least Sunday, maybe even Monday!!!

AH well, James hasn't blogged today, & Paul doesn't blog EVER! So, that means I'm doing better than them!! Hehehe.

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