Thursday, December 04, 2003

Hmm, James said I'm not good at blogging cos I don't write enough, & Paul said that I don't update my blog! Paul doesn't even have a blog, so he's not one to talk!!!

Just done a seminar presentation in Feminism - it went much better than I thought it would!

Doing campus tours for a Theology open day this afternoon.

Tonight, I'm going to the Theology barn dance - they're normally fun!

Tomorrow, I'm going all the way to Nottingham for my friend's hen weekend! We going to have vodka jellies & everything!

Last night, James & Mark brought their gamecube to the Chaplaincy - Monkey Ball is SO much fun.

Zosh & I were going to just sit & mock them, but then they gave us controllly thingies, so we had to play! Got well into it though - I haven't sworn so much for ages!!!

Whatever 'analog' is, I don't like it much - it means that the monkey moves too much & falls off the edge. I wanted to move it with little arrows, like you got on things like the original Nintendo console thing, but NO - you have to use a joystick thing on this! How mean - I didn't really get the hang of it. It's not fair - it was so hard!

James & Mark just kept telling me to just move it a little bit & be gentle, but the thing is, I'm not really a gentle person, & if you're going to do something, you may as well do it properly! If you DO have to move a joystick, it should be a lot, not just a tiny little touch! What's the point in that?!

Any way, I hope they bring their gamecube again, cos it was great!!!

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