Wednesday, December 10, 2003

I HATE the library!!!! I've done nearly ALL of the reading for 4 of my 5 essays, & now I want the books for my 5th one...But, are those books in the library? Well, NO! Not even on temporary reserve...Not even on short loan! They're on NORMAL LOAN!!! & so, when are they due back? January 24th!!! When do my essays have to be in? January 16th!!!! I have a PROBLEM!!! ARGH!

Well, now I've got that out of the way, I can talk about the CU carol service, which I went to last night...I like the carols that we sang, but they were just the USUAL - you would have thought they could have been IMAGINATIVE! J.John (I think his name might actually be John John!) was the speaker...He is a good speaker, but when you consider that the CU use this event to try to reach out to non-Christians, it did get to be a bit heavy-going. It started off OK, but it did get into full-on Evangelical stuff, which I'm not sure is a totally great idea.

Oh, and from what he said, you obviously aren't actually a Christian unless you can remember the EXACT day that you "invited" Jesus into your life...For him it was February 9th 1975...Well, I wasn't even alive then (being quite a baby), & I think I've always had Jesus - I don't always acknowledge it, I guess, but I'm sure that Jesus has always been there...I most certainly cannot pinpoint a certain day, or even year where I feel that I "invited" Jesus into my life & felt "the light come on"...Sure, I do feel "the light come on" about certain things even now, but surely that's what life's about - it's one BIG learning process!

Another thing that I didn't agree with was the way that J.John talked about Jesus paying for sin...I'm doing a module in Feminist Theology, you see, & am writing a big essay on atonement theories & how satisfactory they are...Most of them are OK if they're understood properly...I don't think J.John understands them properly - either that or he's gone off & made up his own...I guess if it's his own theory, then he must understand it!

I also wanted one of the packs that they were giving out to people who had "invited" Jesus into their lives for the first time, but I thought that it would just make the CU feel smug if they thought that the CathSoc President was asking for one of their packs, because I don't think that all of them are totally convinced that Catholics have the same God as them, and that we have Jesus, & everything...

Making mulled wine at CathSoc tonight - unlike the CU stuff, it will actually be possible to tell that there is alcohol in ours!!! I was going to make mince pies too, but the CU had LOADS left over, & gave us about 60 for tonight, which was very lovely of them!!!

Although I've had a bit of a rant about the CU carol service, it was pretty good, & they had OVER 4,700 people there, which is QUITE an achievement, so they did do a good job!

I guess I'd better go home now, & actually write some essays...I've done lots of reading for them, but haven't actually started writing any of them yet!!

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