Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Today, I did another exam; I think it went OK - I was definitely better on the question worth 40% than the one worth 60%, but never mind.

I had a reply from Kris about next year's committee - it did make me giggle; I was SO nice in my email to him, & this is what I got back:

"Hi Lisa,

Thanks for your message. I'm afraid that I haven't been checking my emails much over this last week because of exams and there's a whole lot I've missed out on.

I won't be able to come to CathSoc tonight because I have a 9:00am exam tomorrow (which is the hardest of the 3).

I'll continue to consider the committee, but I'm really not sure if I'll stand or not.

Kris. "

So, I've replied!


Thanks for getting back to me - I understand the whole exam thing - I've had 3 as well, & my hardest one is at 9:30 tomorrow! So, just half an hour difference! I'll think of you at 9:00 tomorrow morning when I'm panicing about my exam.

I'm glad that you're considering standing for the committee. I hope that you do, but wouldn't want you to feel pressured in any way.


LOL - This amused me somewhat hehehe.

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