Friday, January 30, 2004

Well, I've done almost nowt today. Just made a doctor's appointment for Monday, cos I lost looooooooooads of weight, & don't know why!!! It's quite worrying, but I'm sure it's nothing to worry about!

Going out with Zosh later - v excited!!! Last week when we met up in the Lemmy (we did know the other one was going!) it was sooo much fun, & ZOSIA GOT ANGRY!!! I think that she should be very proud of that!!!

I don't think that there's anything wrong with being single. I think we should do stuff for single ladies only (cos I am still single) and see how ppl like Amy like THAT!!!! That'll teach her for being mean to my Zosh!!!

Any way, kids TV is really annoying me now, & my housemate wants the internet, so I'm off now!!!

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