Friday, May 14, 2004

Hmmmmmm...Don't really know what to say today. Tried to blog yesterday, but it wouldn't publish, & then lost my REALLY long entry. I was not a happy bunny.

The guy in Oxford was of no help at all, & as I suspected, my new glasses really do not make much of a difference. People here have been great though, & have done lots of helpful things.

Going to my doctor on Tuesday to ask her to refer me somewhere for a 2nd opinion.

Meeting with the Plymouth Chaplain next week to talk about nun-stuff...I'm actually quite excited about it all.

Should have my new computer soon! My LEA have finally got themselves into gear, & have agreed to spend lots of money to make my life easier.

Have done no revision since I went to Oxford. The fool of a man left me feeling a bit poo, & I haven't been able to concentrate too well for the past couple of days...Ah well.

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