Friday, May 28, 2004

Well, today is turning out very much like yesterday. I am sitting here. I am bored. Today, though, I am only waiting for my printer, & they don't have an hour to deliver it. It should be here NOW!!!!

Today is my last day of revising my Theology module. I still have quite a lot to do. But, I can't concentrate, because I am waiting to hear the door...I am waiting for my printer, & I am bored.

I still have a cold. I am going throught the joyous stage of coughing up phlegm. It's not nice. It hurts a bit too.

My new computer is great. It has voices called Synthetic Dave & Synthetic Andy. They're very funny. Synthetic Dave & Rob don't get on. They hate each other.

My screen is huge. It takes over about half of my desk. It's funny.

I got a book in braille with my computer, cos I have special software for visually impaired people. I can't read braille, but I wish I could.

I also have yellow stickers on my keyboard. They're cool. They make everything big so I can see it.

I don't really know what else to say. I'm just bored now, & talking about nothing...

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